National Kick Butts (and E-Cigarettes) Day

E-cigarettes pose serious health risks for kids. “The U.S. Surgeon General has found that youth use of nicotine in any form – including e-cigarettes – is unsafe, causes addiction and can harm the developing adolescent brain, affecting learning, memory and attention. Studies also show that young people who use          e-cigarettes are more likely to become cigarette smokers.”

Use of Electronic Cigarettes by Teenagers is On the Rise – According to a survey supported by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “E-cigarette use among high school students had skyrocketed from 1.5 percent in 2011 to 16 percent in 2015 (a more than 900 % increase.) 

A Cochrane Review of the literature included 2 small preliminary studies looking at electronic cigarettes showed they may help reduction tobacco use, but more long-term study looking at negative side-effects is needed.  Electronic cigarettes are NOT approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA.)

The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) finalized new rules for tobacco products August 2016.

Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes) – contain nicotine, the addictive component found in cigarettes and may promote smoking. E-cigarettes are also known to contain heavy metals and carcinogens and while less so than cigarettes, e-cigarettes are still considered dangerous. Some people continue to smoke while using e-cigarettes, adding to their risk. E-cigarettes can lead to nicotine addiction for those just starting, and re-ignite addiction in those that have stopped smoking cigarettes. There is no safe nicotine product.

Dangers of Electronic Cigarette Batteries Igniting and more information about electronic cigarettes.    E-Cigarettes and vaporizers have been banned on planes due to danger of exploding and risk of fire.

Stopping Nicotine Addiction Takes a VillageContact Us For Help to Stop Smoking or Talk to Your Doctor. Quit-lines are also helpful resources –1-800-QuitNow.

Dreamtime Wellness™ offers FREE Consultation and a comprehensive, integrative healthcare approach combining conventional tobacco treatment and counseling with complementary therapies.

Sources and More Information –


Best in Health,  


Karen Pischke BSN, RN, Alumnus CCRN, Author, Speaker, Nurse Researcher, Photographer. Certified Hypnotherapist, Tobacco Treatment Specialist, Usui Reiki Teacher/Komyo Shihan. Owner/Founder of Dreamtime Wellness LLC. Your Bridge to Health. Promoting Optimal Wellness for Mind, Body and Spirit. Karen is a registered nurse with a background in critical care nursing, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiac risk factor reduction, wellness and integrative healthcare. Incorporating a collaborative, integrative approach, Karen strives to educate, advocate for, and empower you in your healthcare goals. Providing evidence-based integrative healthcare services and self-care tools that are safe as well as effective at improving overall health, happiness and wellbeing. Find us on Instagram and Facebook

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