14-Day Trial at Crossfit Cape Ann


Looking for a new fitness routing in 2019? Not sure if CFCA is right for you? We offer a 14-day trial membership for $65 so you can test the waters before fully committing to improving your health/fitness and life!  Trial memberships start with a private intro session with one of our coaches. The intro will give you an opportunity to check out our facility, learn more about our program, watch an actual class in progress and learn some of the basic movements that we use on a regular basis. More importantly, it’s a chance for us to get to know you… (your goals, athletic background, previous injuries) and address any questions or concerns that you may have. This session generally lasts 40-60 mins. Once you have completed your intro… come to class as much as you want for the next 14 days! Get a feel for our workouts, our coaches and our supportive community. When the 14 days are up… let us know if you think CFCA is the right fit for you. Email us get started! info@crossfitcapeann.com

For more information: www.crossfitcapeann.com

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