Shoulder Pain Treatment

If you’re experiencing shoulder pain from a sports injury or a medical condition, the discomfort can reduce your range of motion and affect your quality of life. Along with that, the discomfort can become chronic if it is not treated on time. At The Russell Center for Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Beverly, MA, we provide various treatments, including acupuncture, massage therapy, and SoftWave therapy, to alleviate your pain and improve your overall health.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can occur due to a variety of factors, such as an auto accident, injury, or arthritis. When you visit us, we will perform a thorough evaluation to determine the root cause of your discomfort. After, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan that will reduce your symptoms and help you move more easily.

Improve Range of Motion

Shoulder pain can affect your range of motion and prevent you from enjoying the hobbies you love. If it hurts to move the joint, you may have a range-of-motion problem that can be treated with chiropractic care. With chiropractic care, we can help you move your shoulder properly again, so you can get back to work and your active lifestyle quickly.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care can be highly beneficial for shoulder pain. While some mild shoulder injuries can heal on their, others may lead to chronic pain. Once we talk to you about your symptoms and learn more about your condition, we can use the necessary techniques to reduce your pain and help you feel your best. Not only that, but our chiropractor will also utilize treatments that can prevent injuries from occurring in the future.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you have persistent shoulder pain that is affecting your daily life, our team at The Russell Center for Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Beverly, MA, is happy to help. With the right treatment, we can relieve your discomfort so you can return to your normal routine. To learn more about the treatments we offer or to schedule your first appointment, contact us at (978) 927-2607 today. 

We take care of the most important piece of equipment you own…YOU!

Auto Accident Injury Treatment

Auto accidents are scary, and we know that they can cause a variety of injuries, including some that are severe and debilitating. In many cases, chiropractic care can help. At The Russell Center for Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Beverly, MA, we look for the root cause of your injury to treat it. Dr. Sheri Russell will help you return to a pain-free life following your accident.

Common Auto Accident Injuries

Injuries occur based on the way the accident happened. One of the most common injuries is whiplash. Other common injuries are back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, muscle soreness, and more. Knee trauma is common if your knee hits the dashboard. Accidents can also cause trauma to the ligaments in your spine or your spinal discs.

Understanding Whiplash

Whiplash is one of the most common in rear-end accidents. It occurs when the neck and upper spine are snapped in a violent back-and-forth motion. The resulting upper spine injury can cause chronic pain, aching, and stiffness in the back and neck. Without treatment, the condition can worsen and lead to headaches, dizziness, and other health complications.

When Should I Seek Auto Accident Treatment?

After an accident, it is important to get treatment right away, even if you are not experiencing any symptoms. Some injuries, like whiplash, take days or weeks to present symptoms. Dr. Russell can detect these conditions early and treat them before they worsen. She can also detect underlying conditions that you may be suffering from. For example, back pain could be from a herniated disc. Dr. Russell will find and treat your injury, not just your symptoms.

Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries

When you visit us, Dr. Russell will create a personalized treatment plan for you. We often use spinal adjustments to treat back pain and whiplash. Realigning the spine will alleviate tension and pressure. We also provide physical rehabilitation and exercises, which will improve your range of motion after an accident. For soft tissue injuries, like muscle strains, our chiropractor can use muscle stimulation or trigger point therapy to improve blood flow and promote healing. Naturally, treatment will vary based on your injuries. 

Contact us for an Appointment Today

At The Russell Center for Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Beverly, MA, we provide natural, non-invasive treatments to help you heal after an auto accident. Whether you’re seeking chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, or SoftWave, our team can help. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, call us at (978) 927-2607 today.

When you need to take care of the most important piece of equipment you own (YOU), we are here for you!

Could Chiropractic Care Help Your Tendinitis Symptoms?

Pain becomes a constant part of your life when you’re suffering from tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, swimmer’s shoulder, or any other form of tendinitis. Chiropractic care offers an effective way to ease pain, tenderness, and swelling during your recovery.

What Is Tendinitis?

Tendons are strong cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Your tendons help your muscles move your bones and absorb shock when you move. Tendinitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed. Although tendons are flexible when you’re young, they stiffen and weaken as you grow older. Unfortunately, this may mean they become inflamed more easily.

Tendinitis can affect tendons anywhere in your body, causing pain that may last several weeks. Although the injury often affects athletes, anyone can develop tendinitis. Participating in activities that involve repetitive motions, like hitting a ball or running, raises your risk for tendinitis. Other risk factors include poor posture, jobs or sports that require overhead movements, or working with vibrating tools. You might also develop the condition after spending the weekend weeding your overgrown flower beds or swiping your finger across your smartphone.

Tendinitis can also be caused by overuse, which could occur if you exercise too long or too intensely. According to an article in American Family Physician, overuse injuries most often affect the:

  • Rotator Cuff in the Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Patellar Tendon in the Knee
  • Achilles at the Back of the Heel

Symptoms of tendinitis include:

  • Pain, Which May Worsen at Night or When You Move the Muscle or Joint
  • Warmth, Swelling, and Stiffness
  • Crackling Sound When Moving the Affected Part of Your Body

How Chiropractic Care Eases Tendinitis Symptoms

Your visit to the chiropractor starts with a thorough examination to determine why you have tendinitis. Although you may know that playing golf is the reason your elbow hurts, your chiropractor can determine if a muscle imbalance or other underlying issue is a contributing factor.

Visiting your chiropractor could help you:

  • Relieve Pain. Your chiropractor offers a variety of treatments aimed at easing your pain, including hot and cold therapies, massage, soft tissue mobilization, ultrasound therapy, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy. Chiropractic treatment prompts your body to release natural painkillers and promotes healing by increasing blood flow.
  • Improve Flexibility. Swelling and inflammation causes stiffness, reducing your range of motion and worsening pain. In addition to massage, soft tissue mobilization, and other treatments, your chiropractor may use spinal manipulation to realign the vertebrae in your spine and reduce stiffness. Misaligned vertebrae can press on nerves and cause muscles and tendons to tighten. Once your vertebrae are correctly aligned, you may notice that flexibility improves.
  • Get Rid of Scar Tissue. Your body reacts to an injury by creating new tissue around the injured area. Although this reaction is certainly helpful initially, scar tissue buildup restricts your movement and triggers pain. Chiropractic treatments break up scar tissue that can limit your flexibility and range of motion.
  • Decrease Inflammation. Inflammation, a major factor in pain and stiffness, can be worsened by misaligned vertebrae. Realigning the vertebrae not only reduces pressure on nerves and tissues but also relieves inflammation. In a research study published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, researchers noted that spinal manipulative therapy reduced the production of inflammatory agents in people with low back pain. Although this study focused on low back pain, spinal manipulation could have the same effect on inflammation throughout the body.

During your visit, your chiropractor may also show you a few exercises that will strengthen your muscles, eliminate muscle imbalances, and decrease your risk for developing tendinitis in the future.

Need help managing your tendinitis symptoms? Contact our office to make your appointment for chiropractic treatment.


American Family Physician: Common Overuse Tendon Problems: A Review and Recommendations for Treatment, 2005

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies: Effects of Spinal Manipulative Therapy on Inflammatory Mediators in Patients with Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Non-Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial, 1/8/2021

Mayo Clinic: Tendinitis, 11/11/2022

Arthritis Foundation: Tendinitis

How Your Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Migraines

Even one migraine is one too many. Unfortunately, over-the-counter painkillers often aren’t strong enough to dull the pain. Prescription pain medication may be more helpful, but these drugs can cause unpleasant side effects. If you’re struggling to manage your migraines, chiropractic treatment could ease your pain and reduce the number of days you experience migraine pain.

Treating Migraines with Chiropractic

Migraines cause 113 million lost work days every year, according to the American Headache Association. If you have migraines, that statistic probably doesn’t seem surprising. After all, it’s hard to do your job when your head throbs and you feel dizzy and nauseated.

Do you regularly spend hours hidden away in a dark room, hoping your headache will finally end? Chiropractic care could ease your pain and allow you to enjoy life once again. Although you may associate chiropractic care with joint and back pain relief, chiropractors actually treat a variety of conditions, including migraines.

Your chiropractor may include a few of these therapies in your migraine treatment plan:

  • Massage. Massage loosens tight muscles in your head and neck that could worsen your symptoms. The therapy also reduces pain by prompting your body to produce hormones that ease pain naturally. Is stress one of your migraine triggers? The same hormones that reduce migraine pain during massage also help you feel calm and relaxed.
  • Soft Tissue Mobilization. During soft tissue mobilization, your chiropractor uses his or her hands or a small instrument to stretch and lengthen tissues, reduce inflammation and swelling, and ease tension in your head, neck, and upper back muscles.
  • Trigger Point Therapy. Painful trigger points are common in people who have migraines. Pressing on these hard knots in the muscles can even trigger a migraine, according to a review article in the Journal of Headache and Pain. Applying pressure to trigger points relaxes muscle fibers and helps knots dissolve, in addition to improving blood flow. Increasing blood flow helps your body get rid of waste products that build up when muscles become tight. According to a systematic review in Frontiers in Neurology, trigger point therapy may decrease the duration, intensity, and frequency of migraines and tension headaches, although additional research is needed.
  • Spinal Manipulation. Spinal manipulation corrects subluxations. These are misalignments of the vertebrae in your back or neck. Quick thrusts with the hands or an activator realign the vertebrae, decreasing pain and inflammation. Spinal manipulation also decreases pressure on nerves and relieves irritation that can cause pain. Neck pain and stiffness are common in people who have migraines. According to a study published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, 69% of migraine patients have neck pain during a migraine. The researchers noted that preventing and treating neck pain might help prevent future chronic migraines.
  • Exercise Program. Improving your posture and strengthening the muscles in your neck and back might also help improve your migraine symptoms. Your chiropractor will teach you a few exercises that will keep the muscles loose and limber.
  • Nutrition Advice. In some cases, certain foods can trigger migraines. If you suspect that your diet is a migraine trigger, your chiropractor can provide nutritional advice that will help you improve your diet.

Would you like to find out if chiropractic care could help your migraines? Contact The Russell Center for Chiropractic & Sports Medicine in Beverly to schedule an appointment 978-927-2607