Community Reiki Share™ Fund Raiser for LungForce March 6th

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Mind, Body and Spirit

Join Us Tuesday, March 6th for a Community Reiki Share™ At the Manchester Community Center in Manchester-by-the-Sea. 40 Beach St. On the MBTA Boston North Station/Rockport Line. Convenient Parking. Handicapped accessible. Open to All. Contact Us to Register in Advance –

Community Reiki Share™ Fundraiser in Support of LungForce and the American Lung Association. A portion of this month’s proceeds will be donated to LungForce, a division of the American Lung Association. Members of LungForce will be there to discuss their mission and answer any questions. Enjoy a relaxing session of reiki while you are there!

You can also join in the LungForce Walk/Boston May 10 at Boston Commons and join in their mission to help cure cancer. Or you can help by donating here.


Looking for Integrative Therapy Practitioners (Acupuncture, Massage, Reiki, Tai Chi, Yoga,) to Join Us at the ‘DreamTeam’ Wellness Tent at the LungForce Walk Boston on Thursday, May 10 on the Commons. Contact Us for Details on how you can participate.

Innovative Targeted Therapies for Lung Cancer have improved the outcome of lung cancer. Cure Cancer shutterstock_30955345 DTWKey Findings about Lung Cancer and Lung Disease –  Continue reading

Reiki at Gloucester Healthcare and Senior Center This Week

Your Bridge to Health; Promoting Optimal Wellness for Mind, Body and Spirit

Reiki for Relaxation, Comfort and Calm – Reiki (ray-kee) will offered to residents at Gloucester Healthcare (Formerly Golden Living Gloucester.) Monday, November 13.  2 pm – 3:30 pm. 
Gloucester Healthcare Residents can sign up through the Activities Department. Family members and health care agents can sign up loved ones unable to sign themselves up (Alzheimer’s, dementia, post-stroke, or other cognitive issues.) Family members and staff may also participate as time allows. Attention is paid to comfortsafety, hygiene and confidentiality.
Reiki for Seniors at the Rose Baker Senior Center – Friday, November 17. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Suzanne Sweeney, 3rd Degree Reiki Practitioner and I will be there offering Chair Reiki Sessions. Pre-Register: 978- 281-9765. $5 Donation.
*Active Duty Military and Veterans – Contact us to ask about our discounted Reiki Sessions during the month of November.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Reiki is considered generally safe and has the potential benefits of relief of stress and anxiety, improved comfort and increased calm. 

Community Reiki Share for a Cause


Community Reiki Share November 5th.

 5:15 pm – 8:15 pm at the Manchester Community Center. 40 Beach St. Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. On the MBTA Train line. Convenient Parking. Wheelchair accessible.

Reiki Sessions ‘By Donation.’ $20.00 suggested donation. ($10.00 for Seniors, Veterans, those in treatment for cancer.)

Together We Can Do More. Partnering with charitable causes to help others in need.

Thinking of our friends with family members in Puerto Rico and Saint John – a portion of our proceeds are donated to the ongoing efforts for hurricane relief.

God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us, in the dreariest and most dreaded moments, can see a possibility of hope.”   ~ Maya Angelou

Advance Register – Email: or call 978-283-4258.

Join Us in helping to bring ‘peace, comfort and calm’ to those in need.

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December 6th Community Reiki Share in Manchester-by-the-Sea

Your Bridge to Health; Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Your Bridge to Health; Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

‘Community Reiki Share.’ Tuesday. December 6th –  Whether a seasoned practitioner or new to Reiki, all are welcomed to attend. Come as an observer. Join in a meditation. Enjoy a Reiki Session. Participate in some or all of the evening and enjoy the sense of ‘peace, comfort and calm’ that Reiki can provide.

Reiki can best be described by the experience. Physicians participating in my ‘Introduction to Reiki’ at a Boston hospital enjoyed sample sessions and described their experience as “calming,” “interesting” and even “remarkable.”

‘Community Reiki Share.’ 5:15 pm – 8:15 pm at the Manchester Community Center. 40 Beach St. Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA. On the MBTA Train line; wheelchair accessible. Reiki Sessions ‘By Donation.’ $20.00 suggested donation. ($10.00 for Seniors, Veterans, those in treatment for cancer.) Reiki Practitioners may arrive at 4:30 pm for practice of Hatsurei Ho, a Japanese reiki technique used as a form of meditation and helpful for quick calming and centering.

 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need –  Together we can do more. Partnering with charitable causes to help others in need.  

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs.svg

Charities we have partnered with include – Open Door Food Pantry, Beverly Boot Straps, Wellspring House, Action Inc., Cape Ann Animal Aid, SeniorCare, Relay for Life Cape Ann, Reid’s Ride, Friends of Mel, and Grace Center. Individuals have also benefitted for our Community Reiki Share donations. Let us know if you would like to partner for your special cause.

Join us and enjoy ‘peace, comfort and calm’ at the December 6th Community Reiki Share.

Advance Register for a Reiki Session.To Register Email: or call 978-283-4258.

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Thank You for Your Service – Special Offerings for Veteran’s Day

Flags at Stacey Blvd

Photo ©  Jay Alpert. Reprinted with permission.

Thank You for Your Service – Promoting Security and Peace, Home and Abroad.

United States Military Offering Integrative Therapies as Adjunctive (Supportive) Therapies for Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (PTSD.)

Reiki has been offered at U.S. Military Bases and Hospitals as far back as 2005 through Integrative Therapy programs including at:

  • Fort Bliss
  • Fort Hood
  • Walter Reed Hospital

Use of Complementary Therapies and the Military – more information can be found at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Center for Integrative Health (NCCIH.) Integrative healthcare (IH) combine conventional therapies with supportive complementary therapies that have been studied and known to be safe and at least minimally effective and do no harm. The goal of IH is to provide ‘best outcomes’ and higher patient satisfactions. Studies have looked at safety and efficacy of a variety IH therapies for:

  • Relief of pain (improved comfort)
  • Relief of tension (emotional and physical)
  • Relief of anxiety (increased calm)
  • Improved sleep
  • Adjunctive treatment of PTSD
  • Adjunctive treatment of TBI

Note: A referral from your physician is recommended prior to seeking integrative therapies for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.) Screening by a healthcare professional is recommended prior to referring to complementary therapies that may create deep relaxation (Eg. Hypnosis, Meditation, Reiki and Yoga.)

Professional Screening for Trauma – Recent study concludes that “clinical implications suggest that patients should be screened and treated for trauma-like symptoms including intrusive thoughts linked to anxiety and depression before referral to complementary programs that offer meditative or relaxation interventions.”  Ask Your Doctor Before Seeking Complementary Therapies such as Hypnosis, Meditation, Reiki and Yoga.

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Veterans, Thank You for Your Service!

We would like to ‘Give Back’ and offer you reiki for relaxation, stress and pain relief throughout the month of November with the following programs – 

DISCOUNTED Reiki Sessions and Reiki Training for Relaxation – offered through Dreamtime Wellness™ throughout the month of November for Veterans, Police, Fire Men and Women. (*)

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BIG ‘Birthday Month’ for Reiki: Founder Usui Sensei, Phyllis Furumoto, Hyakuten Sensei, and More.

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Tanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu!

August is a Big Birthday Month for Reiki Founders and Teachers. Reiki Ryôhô (ray-kee,) a Japanese Healing Method/Art, was first introduced in Japan in 1922 by Founder of Usui Shiki Ryôhô whose practice has spread throughout the world. Many hospitals in the United States incorporate Reiki, due to its ease of use and quick relaxation response that provides calming benefits for mind and body.

  • USUI Mikao Sensei (August 15, 1865 – March 9, 1926.) Usui Sensei was a scholar and sought-after teacher in Japan. Usui Sensei traveled throughout Japan teaching Reiki from 1992 – the time of his death in 1926. He is reported to have taught over 2,000 people prior to his death in 1926.
  • Phyllis Furumoto (August 22 – ) Mrs. Hawayo Takata’s granddaughter Phyllis Furumoto, Grandmaster of the Reiki Alliance, one the first Reiki organizations in the United States. Phyllis is considered the ‘lineage bearer’ of her grandmother’s teachings. Phyllis currently lives in Arizona and travels internationally teaching Reiki.    In a recent Global Reiki webinar Phyllis Furumoto mentions –  “I do have several master candidates now …. and it may take a few more years to complete their preparation.”   

~  Reiki Master Training – ‘years of preparation.’  Reiki ‘Mastery’ –  ‘life-long’ learning and practice.  ~

  • Elyssa Matthews (August 15 – ) Reiki Shihan/Japanese Gendai and Komyo Reiki Lineage. Elyssa shares  a birthdate with founder Usui Sensei. Thanks to Elyssa, I first met my Reiki Teacher from Japan, INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei when she hosted the 2008 Komyo Reiki Kai™ training for Reiki Teachers (Shihans.) Ten years into my Reiki practice, I felt another teacher was coming. March 2011, I had the opportunity to travel to Kyoto Japan with Elyssa to visit Sensei. Little did we know when we arranged this trip that the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami would occur. Our trip to Japan would become something much more than we expected, as we traveled to offer support and Reiki to the people of Japan. In addition to the devastation caused by the earthquake, tsunami and radiation, Japan was faced with a 4th disaster – financial loss. Many businesses and schools had withdrawn employees and students, and many tourists cancelled trips during the normally highly attended festival of Sakura, Cherry Blossom Festival. 

Reiki Teachers/Shihans Elyssa Matthews and Karen Pischke with Komyo Reiki Kai™ Founder Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei. (Reiki Share at Daizen-in Temple. Kyoto Japan. April 2011.)

Nancy Earabino, (August 17th – ) Nancy, a nurse (formerly at Anna Jaques Hospital) and Usui Reiki Teacher/Komyo Shihan provides Reiki for North Shore Medical Center’s (NSMC) Wellness and Integrative Medicine. Nancy and I coordinate a monthly Reiki Clinic at Lahey Outpatient Center in Danvers, along with volunteers Joan Charette, retired nurse from NSMC and Level 2  Reiki Practitioner, and Jean Walsh, RN, Advanced Reiki (3rd Degree/Usui Reiki Master.)

TODAY – August 19th we celebrate the birth of INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei – (August 19 – ) Founder of Komyo Reiki Kai™. Hyakuten Sensei as he is affectionately known, is a non-sectarian Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan. Hyakuten Sensei travels extensively around the world teaching Komyo Reiki, a simple Reiki System whose motto is –      Place Hands. Surrender and Smile.  Komyo Reiki Kai International Association™ offers set ‘Standards and Guidelines’ for Teaching. Komyo Reiki Kai International Motto – Go Placidly in the Midst of Praise or Blame.

Go Placidly solid-rock

Rufus and Karen v1 Edited

‘Introduction to Reiki.’ Central Grammar. Gloucester MA

REIKI for SENIORS in GLOUCESTER – In memory of Usui Sensei and in honor of Phyllis Furumoto and Hyakuten Sensei who have visited Cape Ann, we are beginning a ‘Reiki for Seniors’ Program in Gloucester. Suzanne Sweeney (Advanced Reiki Practitioner/3rd Degree Okuden) and I will be offering Reiki monthly at the Rose Baker Senior Center. Beginning September 16th. Held on ‘3rd Fridays.’ 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 15 minute chair Reiki session. Nominal fee – $5.00. Register in Advance to Reserve a Session – (978) 281-9765.

“Having Reiki made me want to sing. I think we should have it offered once a week.” 

– Testimonial from Ruthanne (Rufus) Colinson (Resident and former Poet Laureate of Gloucester)

Stay Tuned – More on ‘Reiki for Seniors’ Coming Soon.

Best in Health,   Karen


Karen Pischke B.S.N., R.N., C.C.R.N. Alumnus. Certified Hypnotherapist, Tobacco Treatment Specialist, Usui Reiki Teacher/Komyo Shihan. Owner/Founder of Dreamtime Wellness LLC.  Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit Find us on Facebook –

Disclaimer: This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about health and related sub­jects. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately licensed physi­cian or other health care worker. Never dis­re­gard pro­fes­sional med­ical advice or delay in seek­ing it because of some­thing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call your doc­tor or 911 immediately. The views expressed on this blog and web­site have no rela­tion to those of any academic, hospital, practice or other insti­tu­tion with which the authors are affiliated.


Learn 1st Degree/Beginning Reiki on Cape Ann: Early Registration Discount Ends Tomorrow

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

First Degree/Shoden Reiki Training Offered on Cape Ann. This beginning level of Reiki focuses on ‘self-Reiki for self-care’ and self-healing. When we are in good balance and good health, we are more available to offer help to others.

Reiki Shoden/1st Degree Training – Friday. August 26th.  9:15 a.m. – 6 p.m. Held in a serene setting in Gloucester. NEW – Course material offered in English or Spanish. Additional self-study and supervised practicums are required for learning about offering Reiki to family/friends/pets and to achieve your Certificate of Completion at First Degree. (50 Hours.) 

Transportation to Class from Boston – Transportation available via the MBTA Train/North Station to Downtown Gloucester. Shuttle service from the train station. Contact us for details.

Advance Registration and Payment Required. Contact us for details or to Register – 978-283-4258 or email: Info@ or All Level of Reiki Training Offered.



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Reiki Training August 26th – 1st Degree/Shoden

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Purpose of Learning ‘Reiki Ryoho’ (a Japanese Healing Art/Method) –  Initially one learns Reiki for the ability to do ‘Self-Reiki;’ a method for Self-care and Self-healing. Then, with more practice and advanced training, you may want to offer Reiki to family, friends and pets, or even pursue Reiki as a Professional Practice.

Origin of Reiki Ryoho – 1922 in Japan with Founder USUI Mikao Sensei. Reiki Ryoho is a gentle and natural method for  ‘inviting health and happiness.’ Usui Sensei taught Reiki as a means of shin shin kaizen or mind – body improvement.

Reiki Shoden/1st Degree Training – Friday. August 26th.  9:15 a.m. – 6 p.m. Held in a serene setting in Gloucester. NEW – Course material offered in English or Spanish. Additional self-study and supervised practicums are required for a Certificate of Completion at 1st Degree. (50 Hours) Advance Registration and Payment Required. Contact us for details or to Register – 978-283-4258 or email: Info@ or


Hyakuten Sensiei Ana Maria Moratalla Garcia 12717390_460344097509691_1558607021518497562_n

Komyo Reiki System – There are 4 Levels of Training in the Komyo Reiki System – A ‘Keep It Simple System’ from Founder of Komyo Reiki Kai™ INAMOTO Hyakuten Sensei. Hyakuten Sensei, a Non-Sectarian Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan. Komyo Reiki Kai™ Motto –  “Hands on. Nothing More.” Komyo Reiki Kai International ™  ‘Standards and Guidelines’ for (Teachers) and students can be found at –

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