2020: Celebrating the New Year and Expressing Gratitude … Gloucester-style

2020: Celebrating the New Year and Expressing Gratitude … Gloucester-style

New Year’s Day began with a ‘walk of good intentions.’ Blessed with sunshine and mild temperatures on Cape Ann, friends and strangers came together for a walk in Dogtown. We hiked to Whale’s jaw. A piece of the Whale’s jaw boulder broke off in 1989, but Whales Jaw still stands as it has for over ten thousand years. Standing as a reminder of strength, resiliency and endurance, and symbolic of Gloucester’s fishermen and women. There, we celebrated the new year with a guided meditation and sharing good intentions of gratitude, tolerance and peace. 

With Gratitude. Thank you to Jimmy and Laurel for extending their annual New Year’s walk to this community event, to Wendy for her soulful guided meditation, for the all those who came out for the walk and their positive energy, and to Laura, for the beautiful space to gather! One sentiment shared by the the group was the hope that our beloved Dogtown endure throughout the ages, for many new generations to come. We came upon many others celebrating the new year in Dogtown Commons, walking, jogging and biking, enjoying the peace and beauty of nature. 

Appreciating Babson and his reminders of virtue. Babson donated more than 1,100 acres to the city of Gloucester in the 1930s “as a park and watershed.” Carved Babson boulders found throughout Dogtown Common remind us of some of the virtues that are the foundation of good moral being, the fabric of a healthy society. Among my favorites are Industry, Courage, Help Mother, and Kindness

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Winter 3-day Cleanse!

Winter 3-day Cleanse!

Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC, and Four Directions Integrative Health in a guided, at-home, 3-day Winter Cleanse.

January 12 – 15, 2020

Winter is a great time of year for a cleanse. This is not just a cleanse, but one that also helps to rejuvenate the body and mind.

Seasonal cleansing rids our bodies of all sorts of toxins, pollutants, harsh chemicals, pesticides, and any other Ama (toxic residue) that our physical body has accumulated over the holiday period. Cleanses will help to purify and tone the internal organs, cells, and tissues of the body, flushing out impurities that aren’t serving us.

* Have you been feeling more sluggish and tired lately
* Is your energy level just not what it used to be
* After you eat, all you want to do is take a nap
* Is your thinking as clear and sharp as you’d like
* Do you have a heavy coating on your tongue
* Do you have foul body, breath and/or stool odor
* Are you experiencing indigestion and excessive flatulence
* Do you have body aches
* Is your mind foggy

An Ayurvedic cleanse focuses on resetting the digestive fire, allowing it to rest and strengthen. The detoxifying nature also supports the body’s own natural mechanisms to remove built up toxins from the body. It’s a bit like cleaning out the pipes when the drain gets clogged, or hopefully even before the drain gets clogged.

Included in cleanse:
6 meals
Cleanse Supplements
Oil and Tridoshic Body Scrub
Cleansing Tea
Email and/or phone support
Massage special
30-minute follow up Ayurveda Consultation by phone

Click on the link to learn more:

Early Bird sign up by 1/4/20


Blessings in health,

Wyndee, Kim and Lynn


Practicing Gratitude, Counting Blessings

Practicing Gratitude, Counting Blessings

Taking time off through New Years, I was looking forward to some planned ‘down time.’ Be careful what you wish for! 

I have been home with a bug since before the holiday. Generally, I am in very good health, but a lingering cold put a damper on my holiday plans and festivities. I sit at home today, enjoying a cup of hot tea, with honey, lemon and ginger. My Reiki Teacher, Hyakuten Sensei, a Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan teaches that – “A cup of tea. A cup of enlightenment.” Hopefully, along with enlightenment comes a cure for this cold!   😉

The message on my Yogi tea bag (each bad has a written positive saying or quote), gives me pause to reflect –  “An attitude of gratitude brings opportunities.” 

‘End of Year’ Accounting. 2019 is nearly over and I find myself making time for a retrospective accounting of the year. Not the financial kind that the IRS is looking for, but the psycho-spiritual kind, making note of that which has fed my heart, nourished my spirit, and brought Joy.

New experiences and adventures, meeting new people, exploring various cultures, and learning … all bring me joy. They also bring opportunity to gather new information and skills to share with students and clients. Their positive feedback and improved results is what brings me joy. Do what you love. Love what you do. Seeing their smiling faces after sessions, hearing their reports of “feeling better,” “more hopeful,” learning of their positive changes, hearing their expressed gratitude …, makes my work Joyful.

Gratitude is a two-way street. Whether we give or receive, there is Gratitude.

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Tips to Enjoy a More Peaceful and Healthy Holiday Season

The holidays may be happy and joyful for some, but not all. For many, the holidays can also be a time of added stress

Some Tips to Enjoy a More Peaceful and Healthy Holiday Season – 

#1. Moderation. Moderation. Moderation. Simply your life, especially at the holidays. Moderation in everything, eating, drinking, shopping, and holiday parties and gatherings. Don’t feel like you have to do everything and accept every holiday invitation. L

#2. The 80/20 Rule. Also known as the “Pareto Principle,” named after founder, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, back in 1848. Pareto found that people can achieve 80% of success with 20% effort. Knowing that we cannot do everything, and perfection is a myth, Instead of trying to do the impossible, a Pareto approach could be, deciding which holiday projects or events are most important to you. Then, consider 20%  of the specific tasks to focus on to achieve those goals that make you happiest. Do those, then drop the rest.

#3. Learn to say ‘no” and loose the guilt. Overextending oneself, even for fun activities, can lead to frustration, stress and even exhaustion and illness. Guilt weights heavy, both literally and figuratively. Make heart-centered, healthy choices, with a me-first attitude, knowing that taking care of yourself, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, allows you to be more present for others, when needed.

#4. Make Time for Yourself to Relax Each Day. Breathing relaxation, mindful meditation, guided imagery and meditation, self-hypnosis, self-reiki can all be learned and put into daily practice. Even 3, 5, 10, 15 or 20 minutes can make a difference and promote health and wellbeing. Treat yourself to an acupuncture, massage, reflexology or reiki session. Take a gentle, yin yoga class.

#5. Make Time to Exercise Each Day. Research shows that exercise (especially aerobic) helpfully boosts our mood and make us feel better by releasing healthy hormones and raising healthy neurotransmitter levels (i.e.endorphins, serotonin). Mantras for Healthy Exercise: “Exercise energizes me.” “Exercise makes me feel better.” Exercise makes me smile.” “A day without exercise is like a day without brushing my teeth.”

#6. Healthy Holiday Eating/Drinking. Eat a healthy meal or snack before the party. Small plates and bowls allow for healthy portions. Maintain healthy thoughts around healthy eating. Guilt-free holiday eating from Harvard Health PublishingMantras for Healthy Eating: “Healthy, balanced, nutritious meals energize me.” I make healthy choices in line with my highest good.” “Healthy is as healthy does.” “A sliver instead of a slice.” “One is enough, two is too many.” “One and done.” Another 80/20 Rule – Stop eating when 80% full. From the teachings of Hyakuten Inamoto Sensei, Buddhist monk and Founder of Komyo ReikiDo™  – “It is advisable to eat frequent, small amounts rather than two or three big meals, and to leave the stomach 20% empty. A feeling of slight hunger goes a long way toward many health benefits.”

#7. Create Special Holiday Memories. Rather than purchasing material items, consider making the holidays about making fun memories with family, friends and neighbors, at low or no cost. Consider a movie, music, cooking baking or scrap booking night. Walk or drive to view holiday decorations. Enjoy an evening of star gazing. Material things can get lost, broken or discarded, but memories live on

#8. Do Something for Those Less Fortunate. Research shows that helping others is actually beneficial for your own mental health and well being. It can help reduce stress, improve your emotional wellbeing and even benefit your physical health. Consider gifts and/or letters to those serving in the military overseas. Visit someone in a nursing home. Volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen. Offer to bake, cook or decorate for someone who is not able.

#9. Maintain and Daily Attitude of Gratitude. Keep a daily gratitude journal; find one to three things you are grateful for each day. Think about or meditate on people and things you are grateful for. Recommended reading: Simple Abundance, by Sarah Ban Breathnach.

#10. Seek Professional Help. The holidays can lead to increased thoughts and feelings of depression. If that is the case, seek support. Talk to your doctor. Reach out to family, friends, neighbors that live alone, and offer support. 

For Information on and Services for Relaxation and Stress Relief – Emaildreamtimewellness@gmail.com or phone 978-283-4258.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and memorable holiday season,   

~ Karen Pischke BSN, RN

Sources and More Information:




The Empty Cup ~

The Empty Cup ~

An empty cup is a gift

It allows us to have walked away from things, people, institutions etc that were no longer filling us up.

It takes strength to empty our cups.

When our cup is empty it can be filled with anything, anyone we like, desire.

An empty cup helps us reach out to things “we” like, need.

When our cup is filled with “us” joy has a chance to appear.

Too often we loose ourselves in relationships with friends, family, partners, jobs etc that are not filling up our cup with “us” but them.

Read more: https://www.ayurvedawellnesshealing.com/the-empty-cup/
“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 






Beat the Bloat ~

Beat the Bloat ~

It’s Yoga Wednesday at Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC…knees to chest pose is a great “Beat the Bloat” pose. Just what we all need.

It’s easy to overindulge, and feel bloated and puffy after a big meal. The main cause? Not-so-savory reasons like gas and acid reflux. Instead of popping a Tums and flopping back on the couch, think about trying a natural cure.

You’ll want to do this simple stretch-also known as the wind-relieving pose-to gain relief from bloating and gas pains.

How do it:
Lie down, relax and inhale, placing your hands on your knees. Exhale, and hug your knees to your chest. Rock your knees from side to side to maximize the stretch. Stay for five to ten breaths, and release your knees. Repeat this move a few more times.

Modification: Bring your knees as far as it is comfortable. To vary the stretch, you can do one side at a time. Leaving your left leg extended, bring up your right knee and hold it for five more breaths. Then, switch to the other side.

Get out an take a Yoga class with one of our yoga studio partners: ABT Yoga – Yoga & Meditation is for Everybody.; Barefoot Yoga Shala; Giving Tree Yoga & Wellness Center; North Shore Restorative Yoga; Cape Ann Power Yoga; Prema Power Yoga; Holistic Therapies 4 Life; Yoga For Health Gloucester

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 😊




Authentic Self Retreats ~

Authentic Self Retreats ~

We have been on a journey with three beautiful souls this past spring!

So thrilled to share with you a collaboration of four inspiring companies coming together to create “Authentic Self Retreats” of the invisible soul
Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC, Marleen Wood, Tia Crystal and Earth Medicine School of Healing Arts

Mark your calendar for the first one to the sacred land of Sedona, AZ, January 22 – 26, 2020!

Details coming soon 💗

“Blockage is disease, Flow is health”😊



The love of Cheese ~

The love of Cheese ~

Cheese and Food Combining…

Our digestive system was not designed to handle non-stop large, heavy, complex meals. The western eating habits place continual stress on the digestive system with inadequate “down-time” for the system to recuperate. When we over eat, eat too heavy or snack in-between meals we overwork the system causeing log-jams downstream resulting in undigested food that putrefies and ferments, leading to gas, bloating and potential accumulation of “ama” (toxins) from food and unprocessed emotions.

Though the lens of Ayurveda – food combining plays a big part in our digestion.

Cheese, which is cold, heavy and mucus forming, is best eaten alone or with vegetables. Many of the western serving methods (i.e., cheese and crackers; cheese and apples; macaroni and cheese, cheese with sandwiches, cheese pizza, etc.) are very difficult to digest.

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC loves cheese sprinkled with a bit of black pepper.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 😊



Celebrating Nurse’s Week and 19 Years in Business

Celebrating Nurse’s Week and 19 Years in Business

Nurses – Be Sure to Love and Take Care of Your SELF This Nurse’s Week!

Case Managers, Nurses, Nursing Students, CNA’s – For life-work balance and avoiding burnout, the most important lessons I learned have been to make time for vacations and learn self-care tools for daily relaxation and stress management. Self-hypnosis, meditation, mindfulness, reiki, tai-chi, and yoga are all helpful modalities that can be learned and practiced on your own or in a group.

Monthly Community Reiki Shares/Clinics and First Degree Reiki Training (CEU’s for Nurses, Case Managers and Social Workers) – Helpful ways to take care of yourself! When you take care of yourself first, you have more to offer to those you love. 

Loving Others Begins With Loving Yourself. Self-Love Begins with Self-Care.

Our Annual ‘Gratitude Coupon.’ SAVE $19.00 on any Gift Certificate or Private Session of Reiki, Hypnosis or Reiki Training. Good Through End of 2019. (One Coupon Per Person.)

NURSES – SAVE an Additional $10.00 for any sessions or classes booked during the month of May. 

Contact Us fo Schedule Your Discounted Sessions.

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Yoga Nidra & Restorative with Massage

Yoga Nidra THIS Wednesday Evening at NSRY March 20, 7-8:30PM $27  

Restorative Yoga & Massage Thursday Evening at NSRY March 21, 6:30-8PM $45

Sign up for BLISS at http://www.nsryoga.com   

25B Lexington Avenue, Gloucester, MA 01930
