Crystal Grid Journey ~

Crystal Grid Journey ~

We are thrilled to welcome back multi master healer, Sue Ustas of ZuZu’s Healing Arts, Inc!

Come settle in our sacred space and allow yourself to be immersed in the healing energies of a beautiful crystal grid, then guided on a meditative crystalline journey for healing and spiritual evolution. The experience is a deeply relaxing one, and can help shift your personal vibration to a higher resonant frequency, resulting in deeper sleep, better overall health, and spiritual awakening/evolution.

Sue Ustas first began having Psychic experiences as a teenager, which led her to pursue her natural abilities through countless books, classes and teachings. She studied Mediumship and Healing at the Greater Boston Church of Spiritualism, but her first love was always Crystals. She had collected rocks, stones and crystals as a child at every beach, river and wooded area she found herself near, always appreciating the magic in nature. In 2002, she began creating beaded jewelry with natural gemstones and thus began the official start of ZuZu’s Healing Arts, Inc. Currently she owns and operates ZuZu’s, is a Psychic, Medium, Channel, Writer, Level 3 Reiki practitioner, Level 3 Melchizedek practitioner and self-proclaimed “Crystal Goddess”. She offers classes, workshops, meditations, readings, in-store events and two large Holistic Expos annually.

Sue will have a large collection of her cyrstals set up and available for sale.

Wednesday, November 1, at 7:00pm at our office:

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, 25C Lexington Ave, 2nd Fl., Magnolia

Space is limited – RSVP: or 978-395-1234

Investment: $36 pre-registered ($45 at the door)

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Find Meditation~

Find Meditation~

Have stress in our life? Have 5 minutes a day? Find Meditation.

Stress can and is often a daily part of our lives. The fight or flight response can occur when an individual is subjected to severe stress such as a threatening situation or a resistant or hostile event.

As mediation is practiced regularly, we find that we are able to handle everyday problems in a calmer and more relaxed manner. We increase our coping skills and find a new inner strength.

Mental benefits:
Increased mental clarity
Improved emotional well-being
Increased happiness
Improved memory
Increased creativity
Improved relationships

Physical benefits:
Decrease in respiration
Decrease in heart rate
Decrease in blood pressure
Decrease in sympathetic nervous system
Decrease in body metabolism

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 


Obstacles in our path ~

Obstacles in our path ~

There will always be obstacles put in our path for us to slow down and reflect.  Embrace these moments as the universe is helping us to grow 💜

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC knows getting out in nature and/or going inside with meditation can be calming and grounding.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Full Moon Meditation ~ June 14

Full Moon Meditation ~ June 14

It’s time to let it all go…

Full Moon Meditation in Magnolia at Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC: part of a whole health system of Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC

We are thrilled to announce our monthly Full Moon Meditation which started, Wednesday, May 10 with highly experienced meditation practioner, Lynne Kathryn!

Experience the blissful benefits of meditation. A serene setting; Magnolia offers the perfect place to relax, slow down, cultivate mindfulness, unite with your inner self, get into the flow, and rejuvenate.

Whether it be for stress reduction or spiritual growth – you will feel better after meditating — try it!

Let’s cultivate wisdom, enhance enlightenment, and raise the vibration!

Group work can lead to or complement individual practice; eventually, we can strive to practice in all apects of our lives!

Expect some discussion and guidelines initially, and then we will meditate for 20-30+ minutes. There will be time for sharing and balancing ourselves at the end of the session. If Spirit has led you here please listen to your soul’s path. Refine your practice, make a breakthrough, or have a gentle laugh! Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC and Lynne Kathryn on our journey! 🕉

Benefits of meditation:
Lowers blood pressure/slows down the cardiovascular system
Restores balanced function to the digestive system
Relaxes the nervous system
Relieves muscle tension
Diminishes intesnity of headaches/migraines
Relieves insomnia
Frees the mind from self-doubt and internal chatter
Releases fears
Reduces anxiety
Improves depression
Generates optimsim, self-esteem, confidence and motivation

Lynne Kathryn, M.Ed., C.MI. Certified Vipassana (insight) Meditation Instructor with 20 years experience teaching and nearly a decade counseling as well. Lynne is a meditation practitioner and facilitator who is based on the North Shore, and is available for individual or group sessions.

Join us:  June 14 at Ayurveda Wellness Healing, 25C Lexington Ave, 2nd Fl, Magnolia from 7:00-8:00pm

Investment: $10

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂

Full Moon Meditation

Full Moon Meditation

COME ONE, COME ALL!  (No experience necessary)

Full Moon Meditation in Magnolia at Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC: part of a whole health system of Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC

We are thrilled to announce our monthly Full Moon Meditation starting, Wednesday, May 10 with highly experienced meditation practioner, Lynne Kathryn!

Experience the blissful benefits of meditation. A serene setting; Magnolia offers the perfect place to relax, slow down, cultivate mindfulness, unite with your inner self, get into the flow, and rejuvenate.

Whether it be for stress reduction or spiritual growth – you will feel better after meditating — try it — or share your experience/ all are welcome!

Let’s cultivate wisdom, enhance enlightenment, and raise the vibration!

Group work can lead to or complement individual practice; eventually, we can strive to practice in all apects of our lives!

Expect some discussion and guidelines initially, and then we will meditate for 20-30+ minutes. There will be time for sharing and balancing ourselves at the end of the session. If Spirit has led you here please listen to your soul’s path. Refine your practice, make a breakthrough, or have a gentle laugh! Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC and Lynne Kathryn on our journey! 🕉

Benefits of meditation:
Lowers blood pressure/slows down the cardiovascular system
Restores balanced function to the digestive system
Relaxes the nervous system
Relieves muscle tension
Diminishes intesnity of headaches/migraines
Relieves insomnia
Frees the mind from self-doubt and internal chatter
Releases fears
Reduces anxiety
Improves depression
Generates optimsim, self-esteem, confidence and motivation

Lynne Kathryn, M.Ed., C.MI. Certified Vipassana (insight) Meditation Instructor with 20 years experience teaching and nearly a decade counseling as well. Lynne is a meditation practitioner and facilitator who is based on the North Shore, and is available for individual or group sessions.

Investment: $10

When:  Wednesday, May 10   7:00 – 8:00pm

Where:  Ayurveda Wellness Healing, 25C Lexington Ave, 2nd Floor, Magnolia

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂


Our thoughts today are our future…

Our thoughts today are our future…



Happy Birthday to the Dalai Lama: ‘Loving Kindness’ Meditation Used in Healthcare

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind & Spirit

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind & Spirit

Happy Birthday to Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the Dalai Lama.  July 6th was the Dalai Lama’s 80th Birthday. This seems a good time to be blogging about ‘peace and compassion.’ For his birthday, the Dalai Lama has asked that people share his ‘8 Lessons.’ Here they are –

8 Lessons on Life from the Dalai Lama (As seen in the Huffington Post.)

  1. Live life with a free mind and an open heart.
  2. Practice “universal compassion.”
  3. Redesign the way we educate.
  4. Stand up against injustice.
  5. Make humanity the bottom line of business.
  6. Always lend a helping hand.
  7. Play your part in healing the Earth.
  8. Use your personal power to be a force for good.


‘Loving Kindness Meditation,’ and its Use in Healthcare –

  • Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The results of this pilot study – “overall, loving-kindness meditation appeared safe and acceptable and was associated with reduced symptoms of PTSD and depression. Additional study of loving-kindness meditation for PTSD is warranted to determine whether the changes seen are due to the loving-kindness meditation intervention versus other influences, including concurrent receipt of other treatments.”

  • A Tool to Improve Healthcare Provider Compassion, Resilience, and Patient Care.

The Summer of Peace. Stanford University is hosting a global compassion summit. July 7 – 9th.

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”  ~ Dalai Lama XIV. The Art of Happiness.

Celebrating Summer Solstice

Celebrating the Summer of Peace

‘Peace within,’ has a way of rippling out to others.  May You Enjoy a ‘Summer of Peace’ here on Cape Ann, and wherever you go, or wherever you are. Peace.   ~  Karen 

For more information and research on mindful meditation, ‘loving-kindness’ meditation, and other relaxation tools for stress and pain management, you can contact me via email –


Karen Pischke B.S.N., R.N. Owner/Founder of Dreamtime Wellness™  Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind & Spirit Find us on Facebook –

Disclaimer: This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about health and related sub­jects. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately licensed physi­cian or other health care worker. Never dis­re­gard pro­fes­sional med­ical advice or delay in seek­ing it because of some­thing you have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call your doc­tor or 911 immediately. The views expressed on this blog and web­site have no rela­tion to those of any academic, hospital, practice or other insti­tu­tion with which the authors are affiliated.