Wind of your soul ~

Wind of your soul ~

The Wind Of Your Soul by Ayurveda Wellness Healing

Wind can be peaceful, still
Wind can be forceful, angry
Wind can be gentle, balanced
The wind of your soul can be balanced, moderation
Excessive behavior, angry
Withdrawn, still
Moderation, balanced

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Contact us to book your Ayurveda Wellness Consultation and be on your road to moderation.



The Three Phases of Life ~

The Three Phases of Life ~


#Ayurveda is a preventative system of medicine and health care but also a guide to support you in optimal living.

How we choose to live our lifestyle will determine if we will incur disease or redirect it.

Our lifestyle should be a reflection of our life, and our life should be supported by choices that enliven us versus enslave us.

As we live according to the daily cycle, seasonal cycle, annual cycle, lunar cycle and life cycles, we can recycle the breath over and over again with more joy and less sorrow but ultimately more peace and ease.

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC encourages you to be the red umbrella when faced with choices. Your health will thank you and so will those around you

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Winter Solstice ~

Winter Solstice ~

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC welcomes the Winter Solstice…

We are all deeply affected by the change of seasons, even if we often don’t notice or acknowledge it. It can affect us in so many ways, from our mood, to our energy levels and even our health and wellbeing.

We experience internal changes. These include craving heavier food, sluggish digestion, drier skin, a need for more hydration, feelings of sadness, melancholy and lethargy, and a desire to spend more time indoors and sleeping. These are all signs that we are out of balance. With some care and fundamental practices we can overcome these imbalances.

Knowing how to best support ourselves during these pivotal seasonal shifts is invaluable to our immunity and overall health. With mindfulness and the science of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda, we can nourish our bodies and minds and easily flow with these seasonal shifts.

Through the lens of Ayurveda, winter doesn’t need to be the ‘cold and flu season’, but rather a season to improve immunity – not only in the physical, but also in psychological and spiritual. Immunity is connected with digestion. When digestion is strong and the appetite is good, immunity is strengthened.

Minimize your intake of foods such as raw vegetables, salad greens and cold drinks. Think indoors, by the fire or under a warm blanket, eating warm, slow-cooked nourishing meals.

Here are a few tips:

* Ensure adequate sleep, with six to eight hours a night being the ideal. Avoid over sleeping, as this will promote sluggishness in the body

*Use pure essential oil to clear the air. Eucalyptus oil aids breathing and helps release congestion

*Get your daily dose of sunlight – take walks, gaze at the sun

* Tell the people you love that you love them, give hugs, and bring family, friends and communities together.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”



Fall Colors to stay balanced ~

Fall Colors to stay balanced ~

Fall Colors

The days are getting shorter and the air cooler and dryer.

Autumn is a time when Agni (digestive fire) has begun cooling off. Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC knows the importance colors play in balancing the body. According to #Ayurveda, everything in the universe is energetic and gives off a vibration, colors too!

Since #autumn is a cooler season, one can balance this climate by wearing warmer rich hues…like yellows, oranges and reds.

Take a look at the fall colors in nature…to stay in balance one must live in harmony with nature.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Suffer from morning mucous?

Suffer from morning mucous?

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC loves cardamom, ginger and fennel tea which also helps improve digestion and circulation.
2 pinches of cardamom
2 pinches of fennel seeds
1/4 inch fresh ginger

Mash ginger in a mortar and pestle. Grind cardamom and fennel using a mortar and pestle. Place in cup. Pour boiling water over ingredients and steep, covered, for three minutes. Strain and serve.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”



Our thoughts today are our future…

Our thoughts today are our future…



Immune Booster = Almond Milk

Immune Booster = Almond Milk


Diet of the Mind

Diet of the Mind


It all starts with sleep…

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC knows the importance of sleep as our bodies metabolize waste products mostly after 10pm. Through the lens of Ayurveda the immune system needs to revitalize itself between 11:00pm and 2:00am.

Studies have shown that when you are sleep deprived there is a disruption with the connection from our brain to our stomach. This adds to making you think you are hungry and contributes to reaching for unhealthy high fat foods.
Ayurveda describes sleep as the “diet of the mind”.

If you are not in bed before 10pm – start this weekend by backing up your bedtime until you reach 10pm or earlier. Depending on when your normal bedtime hour is this could take a few days to a week. Something so small but worth so much to your overall wellbeing.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂


Got Almonds?

Got Almonds?



Benefits of Reiki…

Benefits of Reiki…