Bedtime Routine~

Bedtime Routine~

How’s your sleep? Do you have a bedtime routine that is helping or hurting you from a good nights rest?

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC encourages you to embrace an Ayurvedic Bedtime Routine by being in bed by 10pm.
To make that happen:

Turn off the TV at least an hour before bed.

Resist online anything—shopping, Twitter, Facebook, news gathering, or working.

Use that extra hour for self-reflection, journaling, restorative yoga, or meditation.

Treat yourself to a foot massage. Rub lavender-scented warm sesame oil on your feet and pull on a pair of old socks.

Put on your favorite deep relaxation CD or yoga nidra CD (earlier in the day) to help you practice resting and to take the edge off the nervous system. Doing yoga nidra too close to bedtime could refresh your energy instead of moving you into deep sleep.

Make yourself some warm milk laced with special sleep-inducing herbs. Pour 4 to 6 ounces of milk (organic) into a saucepan, along with a pinch or two of cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, and saffron, and a teaspoon of ghee, and simmer for about three minutes. Remove from the heat and let set for a minute or so. Add raw honey to taste—either more than or less than a teaspoon. Bottoms up!

Lights out

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Yoga Nidra = Deep Sleep ~

Yoga Nidra = Deep Sleep ~

Please join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC for a powerful session of restorative Yoga combined with the deep relaxation of Yoga Nidra . (Yoga deep sleep) & Aromatherapy.

Monday, September 18 at Ayurveda Wellness Healing, Magnolia

6:30pm – 8:00pm

This class will incorporate meditation, breath work, aromatherapy, and supportive healing yoga poses. We will combine the energy of the new moon to set our intention for the month ahead while deeply relaxing the body to ground these intentions and heal the body and mind.

Benefits of Yoga Nidra
• Increase Immune function
• Improved digestion
• Better sleep
• Releases old habit, fatigue, worry and stress

We supply all the mats and props.

Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Investment: $27

Please register by calling 978-852-0066.
Or email us at

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂



Bed by 10pm

Bed by 10pm


Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC knows that sleep and the times that we sleep are vital in our overall health.

One should be in bed by 10pm as our bodies metabolize waste products after this hour. Between 11:00pm and 2:00am our immune system revitalizes itself.

Are you experiencing:
Brain fog
Memory loss
Cardiovascular disease
Diabetes or Obesity

Start tonight…lights out by 10pm

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”



Diet of the Mind

Diet of the Mind


It all starts with sleep…

Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC knows the importance of sleep as our bodies metabolize waste products mostly after 10pm. Through the lens of Ayurveda the immune system needs to revitalize itself between 11:00pm and 2:00am.

Studies have shown that when you are sleep deprived there is a disruption with the connection from our brain to our stomach. This adds to making you think you are hungry and contributes to reaching for unhealthy high fat foods.
Ayurveda describes sleep as the “diet of the mind”.

If you are not in bed before 10pm – start this weekend by backing up your bedtime until you reach 10pm or earlier. Depending on when your normal bedtime hour is this could take a few days to a week. Something so small but worth so much to your overall wellbeing.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂


Lights out by 10:00 pm…



Ayurveda Wellness Healing knows that sleep and the times that we sleep are vital in our overall health.

One should be in bed by 10pm as our bodies metabolize waste products after this hour. Between 11:00pm and 2:00am our immune system revitalizes itself.

Are you experiencing:
Brain fog
Memory loss
Cardiovascular disease
Diabetes or Obesity

Start tonight…lights out by 10pm

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health” 🙂


Resolve to Achieve Your Healthy Goals for 2016!

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

Promoting Optimal Wellness for Body, Mind and Spirit

New Year’s Resolutions – The tradition of New Year’s resolutions can include the promise of self-improvement or doing more to help others.

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, listed among the top 10 Resolutions in 2015 were –

 #1 – Lose Weight.     #5 – Stay Fit and Healthy.     #7 – Stop Smoking

All 3 Can be Helped Through Reiki, Meditation and Hypnosis! The 2015 Holiday Season has come to a close and now it’s time to get back on track with healthy eating, exercise, and other positive, healthy goals.For the full list of ‘Top 10 Resolutions in 2015’ – Statistic Brain Research Institute

A Google Consumer Survey found the top 2 Resolutions for 2016 were –

#1 – Enjoy Life to the Fullest       #2 – Enjoy a Healthier Lifestyle.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said – “The 1st Wealth is Health.” Enjoying greater levels of health and well-being allows you to more easily Enjoy Life to the Fullest. And, resolving to make positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle allows you to be Healthier and Enjoy Life to the Fullest for a Lifetime!

If YOU Want to Make Positive, Healthy Changes in 2016, Consider Reiki, Meditation and Hypnosis to Help You Successfully Achieve This Year’s ‘New Year’s Resolutions.’ Reiki, Meditation and Hypnosis are natural ways to reduce stress, relax the mind and body, and improve focus. These techniques added to other comprehensive, evidence-based programs for healthy eating, weight reduction, exercise, and strength training provide a more collaborative approach to improving your success rate.

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